KMS: Visual Alerts for Aging Orders

You can apply colour coding to the order list boxes depending on how long the order has been sitting on the KMS.

Only users who have Polygon Paperless Kitchen - Application Wide Permissions | System Settings enabled in their POS Staff security role will be able to access these settings.  You can learn more about settings these permissions here

  • Access the Settings button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • Choose the Display Options menu, then apply programming as required in the Warning Colours section.
Warning Timer Colour: Use the colour picker to assign the background colour for orders which have been displayed for longer than the Warning Timer value. Time: Enter the warning timer value in minutes - this indicates how long an order will be displayed before the background colour changes to the assigned warning colour.  By default, the Warning Time is 10 minutes.  
Urgent Timer Colour: Use the colour picker to assign the background colour for orders which have been displayed for longer than the Urgent Timer value. Time:   Enter the urgent timer value in minutes - this indicates how long an order will be displayed before the background colour changes to the assigned urgent colour.  By default, the Urgent Time is 15 minutes.  
Pending Orders Threshold This setting indicates how long an order can wait without being assigned to a kitchen display before it is considered a dead letter job.  If an order has not been assigned to a kitchen display after this period, the kitchen display network will set the network health to yellow.  This is shown as a yellow square on the main kitchen display window next to the Network Health text.  Clicking the yellow square will load the Pending Orders list which displays a list of pending orders not received by a kitchen display for longer than this period.  The Pending Orders list can be used to reassign orders to kitchen displays.
Delete jobs older than This setting allows the KMS system to remove any orders which have been waiting for more than a specified number of days.  Click the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the number of days to wait before removing orders.
Restore Defaults Click this button to return the default values for ALL elapsed timer visual alerts and settings.