KMS: Stopping the network for maintenance

It may be necessary on occasion to take the entire KMS network offline to facilitate hardware maintenance, software upgrades or reconfiguration.

**This would usually only be performed by Redcat Support staff or under their direct supervision.**

Stopping all Devices

To do this:

  • Access the Kitchen Network button on the toolbar
  • Use the Stop all devices button at the bottom of the screen
  • Enter the Redcat Supervisor password

This will issue a stop token for all KMS devices on the network except the device you are using.

While ever a stop token exists for a KMS device, that device cannot be opened.

Removing the Stop Tokens

Once the required maintenance, upgrade or reconfiguration has been completed:

  • Use the Clear all stop tokens button
  • Enter the Redcat Supervisor password

This will remove the stop tokens that exist for any devices on the network. 

The KMS devices can now be reopened.

Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

Jan 2023

A new article detailing the ability to Stop KMS device network for maintenance purposes.